Additional items for purchase
These items are available for purchase on Amazon or other affiliated stores.
Pillars: A study in Foundations of Civilizations
PILLARS is our world view primer. It provides an easy-to-use format for study of biblical principles of the five spheres found in the PEERS Test (Politics, Economics, Education, Religion and Social Issues). PILLARS is offered to Christian schools and home schooling families as a supplement to a Bible class at the high school level. PILLARS is also being effectively used as an adult study for small groups or Sunday School classes.
Enhanced Position Papers: College level papers
Set of 27 papers covering test items most frequently missed from the PEERS Test. The papers are written for college/adult use, approximately seven pages per test item. The papers give strong scriptural support for why a test item should have been agreed with or disagreed with, as determined by Nehemiah Institute. Bibliography list included for further study on topic addressed in specific test item.
Nehemiah: Rebuilding the Broken
A study on the Book of Nehemiah with unique annotation features. Focus on "rebuilding the fallen city."
Marxifying America
The Marxists well-understood that if you can capture the youth of a nation, in two or three generations you will have the nation. Marxism is the ideology which has become the foundation of America's government-run secular education (pre-K through higher education). Unless concerned Christians are willing to "expose the deeds of darkness" (Eph. 5:11) and educate their children and youth in God-honoring schools, there is truly no reason to expect God's favor on our efforts at the restoration of our Judeo-Christian heritage.
Get Wisdom! Making Christian Heroes of Ordinary People
Get Wisdom! Making Christian Heroes of Ordinary People recovers the historic Biblical tools for taking all of life’s concerns captive to the obedience of Christ. This curriculum in applied faith thinking trains the rigorous foundation needed to make Christian education, every vocation, and all life’s activities thoroughly Biblical in practice. Decades of successfully training parents, teachers, and others in a very short time recommends this book. Invest now and have instantaneous Biblical thinking always available.
Ruler of Kings: Toward a Christian Vision of Government
Today, we live in an era of perpetual revolution manifest by an intense intellectual activism in all cultural and political life. This requires, indeed demands, a distinctly Christian response. But herein lies a serious problem. From where can that Christian response come? What is the basis and foundation of a distinctly Christian response to the socio-political crisis of our time? That question is the subject of this book.
The Mission of God: A Manifesto of Hope for Society
The Mission of God is a clarion call for Christians and God's church to awaken and recover a full-orbed gospel and comprehensive faith that recognizes and applies the salvation-victory and lordship of Jesus Christ to all creation: from the family, to education, evangelism, law, church, state and every other sphere.
Education From a Biblical Worldview: Christian education for Christian Teachers
An introductory course in basic Christian philosophy of education. The EBW course has a Faculty Manual and a Leader’s Edition. The Faculty Manual and a DVD presentation of the course are available from Nehemiah Institute, 800-948-3101. EBW is an ACSI-approved CEU program; details available from Nehemiah Institute.