Sample PEERS Items

The below statements are representative of the type of issues addressed on the PEERS Test. Two of the above are in agreement with biblical principles and three are not.

Each correct answer is worth 20 points. Each incorrect answer is worth -20 points. The range of this sample test is -100 points for 5 incorrect answers and 100 points for 5 correct answers.

Agree Disagree
1. In a democratic society, citizens have a right to an education and this right must be protected and enforced by civil governments.
2. Individuals should be allowed to conduct life as they choose as long as it does not interfere with the lives of others.
3. The only religion that God recognizes as valid, i.e., teaching true doctrine and conducting proper worship is the Christian religion.
4. Civil government, at both the state and federal levels, should not have responsibility for the economic well-being of the citizens.
5. Government should rest as directly as possible on the will of the people.
Your Score: ?

The full test has 70 statements, 14 from each of the five PEERS spheres; Politics, Economics, Education, Religion and Social Issues.

Take the test to find out how you did!! Four of the five have Position Papers (included with the test) providing biblical support for Agreeing or Disagreeing.

“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.—“ (Proverbs 23:7)

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