America’s Premier Worldview ® Center

"Come, let us build, that we may no longer be a reproach” Neh 2:17

See sample test items

A Word from Our Founder

Dear friends,

There is much excitement in the conservative camp in America about the election results and about President Elect Trump’s Cabinet selections.  I am in that camp.

However, there is a need for caution, I think.

I am concerned that conservatives, evangelicals in particular, will take the posture, “VICTORY, no need to worry anymore.”  That would be disastrous.

Instead, NOW is the time to worry, or better, to take action.  Culture is not shaped at the national level, certainly not at the Whitehouse level.  Rather, it is- The “Long March through the Institutions” a phrase attributed to the Italian communist Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) where lasting change is made.

We have to spend the time and the energy to take a deep dive into how life is being done in our city, our county, our state.  But even before that, in our homes.  Are we sure that our ideas for the good life, the biblical life, are based in scripture? How can we know?

According to our worldview assessment tool, the PEERS Test, it shows we have a ways to go. See the PEERS Trend Chart on this site.  Also, read the Why Believe Nehemiah report to see why PEERS is credible.  Look too at the Sample Test Items.

Then take the test, about 20 minutes of your time.  See where your ideas are based on sound biblical principles and where not.  The test comes with Position Papers to help rethink those items which the test says you “missed.”

The fundamental reason for taking PEERS is this:

Romans 16:20
The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Have you crushed any of Satan’s lies under your feet lately?  PEERS and PILLARS (worldview primer in the online store) will significantly help strengthen your worldview position so you can slay a few dragons as you march through life.

Happy to chat,

Dan Smithwick

Take the Test

The premier worldview checkup service for Christian youth and adults


For those who administer the PEERS test for their groups.